Thursday, 30 August 2007

Haunted Shop

The antique shop where I work, is located in what was originally an old general store. The oldest part of the store was built around 1860 and the rest was built in 1910. There have been many spirit sightings over the years, the incident that I'm about to describe happened about 10 years ago.

It was daytime and the shop was open, with customers milling about. One of the customers was shopping in a narrow alcove area that leads to the basement. The basement steps are not enclosed, they are open with a low hinged gate going across them. As this customer walked through the narrow alcove, he peered over the little gate in order to get a peek into the old basement. As he did this, the face of an old man suddenly flew up the stairs, out of the basement, and stopped right in front of the customers face for a few seconds and then melted away. The customer began screaming that he had seen someone in the basement. The employees that were working that day, grabbed hammers and various tools and ran down the steps, thinking that they would find a vagrant. The poor shaken man that had witnessed the spirit, explained that the old man he had seen had no body, that he was some sort of spirit and that all he saw was his head. When asked to describe what he had seen, he said that it was the head of an old man and that he had a very long sharp pointy nose.

About a year later, another customer was shopping in the store. This particular customer was a gifted clairvoyant, and she asked the employees if they were aware of a spirit in the building. She described the spirit as being an old man, wearing coveralls, and said his most prominent feature was his long sharp pointy nose!

This spirit was further identified some months later by yet another customer. This time the customer was an elderly man, who had lived near the shop as a child. The current owner of the store asked the elderly gentleman if he had ever shopped in the store, when he was a child, back during the time the building had been the old general store. "Oh yes" he replied. He remembered it well and could even recall the original shopkeeper. He described him as a large cranky old man, who always wore long coveralls, and he said "I'll never forget his long sharp pointy nose!"

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Designing Fairy said...

Oh,Karen. Very cool story. I wonder if just his head is haunting the place. :) Just kidding! Is he still there now?

Patricia McNally said...

What a great story Karen. We love it. Thanks for adding it to our blog. Hopefully more of you people out there with such stories world wide will help us in our quest for news from around the glob paranormal of course

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

WOW!!! Great story!!!

This reminds me of when my daughter brought a kitten home to her old apartment building and named it Molly. A few weeks later she found out the pervious renter of the apartment's name was Molly and she had died in the bedroom.

Hugs, Nancy

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hi all,
Thanks for your comments!

Designingfairy- I know, a ghost head, pretty creepy!! Yes, he's still there and he's not the only one. There is a little girl on the second floor and also a woman has been spotted on the first floor. It's quite an active building!

Purple lady- I'm glad you liked it. I look forward to reading more stories here from others as well!

Nancy- Interesting story about the kitten!! Sounds like your daughter was picking up on the energies there. Thanks for sharing!

TOMAS said...

Ghosts help us to meet with ourselves.
Thank you for the story.
My comments may look unrelated to your story, but they have appeared while reading your post. Therefore I will allow myself to share them with you now.
While reading your post I have caught myself that I know nothing about my neighbors who live next to me, and it looks that lots of other people live the same way –we make friendships on far lands and have the fellowship with even unseen to us but don’t recognize the people nearby - ghost help us to meet with ourselves and we need the ghost for the recovery of our memoirs– the heart.