Saturday, 20 October 2007

Spirit Cats

Recently I came across a photograph taken at my mum's residential home. Let me explain my mother before she past to spirit had a blocked heart valve and we took her on holiday to a seaside town in the West Country, as she could breathe better by the sea. She fell in love with it and in her eighties decided she wanted to move there, which we managed to arrange with a little bit of help from unseen friends.

During one of the visits this photographs was taken of my favourite feline resident. It was one of many photographs taken that day. When we developed it we were amazed by what we saw. A cat's tail and the beam of pink light. I should explain to you the lady who ran the home loved cats including many strays and we felt that this was one of her recently departed cats returning with such a beautiful pink light to say thank you.

Comments welcome


Bob Johnson said...

Wow, that is too cool!

Patricia McNally said...

We thought so! Thanks for the comment

Deb said...

Hrmm, the skeptic in my wants to say "overexposure", but then again, due to the story and background, it seems really interesting the way that formed. My parents have a ghost in their house and when I took a picture of the three of us dancing around at a Christmas party there, there was a spirit floating across from me (which I didn't know until I developed the film), and was formed in a very small "angel-like" presence. I guess he/she knew I didn't have a partner to dance with! But it was funny to see that!

Then again...overexposure?

Sometimes it's nice to know it's not overexposure... hmm.

Great stuff!

Patricia McNally said...

I used to think that, but then I had other proof. Then the skeptic in me stopped. Nevertheless I still view everything with caution.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I am the newly-elected President of Long story short, I like your writing. I am recruiting you to write for our most recent project, Project Paranormal PLUS where you can submit your paranormal-related content with the benefits and proceeds going to charity. This is a great opportunity for you to do a good deed, gain some traffic for your website, and get a chance to be heard from some of the best paranormal investigators and researchers today. If you have any questions, shoot me an email, otherwise you can register and start posting at the link below! Thank you for your attention on this matter.

Anonymous said...


I like your site a lot! It's very helpful and has a lot of good stuff on it. Just wanted to drop by and introduce myself.

Maybe we can do a link exchange? Let me know.

Thank you.


3L said...

Interesting. I can't wait to poke around on your blog. I've decide to post one of my personal Ghost stories tomorrow so I'm so happy I decided to visit today to get some courage and inspiration.