Saturday, 5 May 2007

The camera from thin air

Before I relate to you my personal experience of receiving an "apport"from the spiritual plane, for those of you who are unaware of what an apport is let me explain .
An apport is an object which is transported from the physical plane into the realms of spirit and then returned at a later date, either is same location or many miles away. The time period between the object being removed and restored also varies from afew minutes to many years, indeed it may not be returned to the orginal owner, but given to someone in more need than those who own it previously. Think of allose the loose change and larger notes you have lost over the years?
To return to my own experience of an apport now. This occured when I was visiting the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (which I did regularly at the time to see many well known mediums demonstrating their mediumistic abilities. When I attended demonstrations of this kind I usually look a litre bottle of mineral water with me as I found I needed to drink a large amount of water when attending a demonstration of spiritual contact.
On the evening in question I went with my partner to attend a sand reading demonstration (one of the oldest forms of divination) given by a medium who was in her late nineties. Although I had drunk copious amounts of water during the day and I had my usual litre bottle with me shortly after I entered the room I was struck by an overwhelming thirst. The large bottle of water was gone in minutes and the thirst got worse, my mouth became unbearably dry and I began to cough. The cough got seadily worse and I began to feel nauseous as though I was going to be sick, at this point my partner was also struck by a dry cough.
Suddenly above the noise of our coughing there was a loud unmistakable "clunk" as though some heavy object had fallen to the ground behind us, immediately both of us stopped coughing. My partner who was nearest to the source of the noise, looked behind her into an empty row of seats, she then said "There is a camera on the floor behind us" "A camera! It must be yours" I said because the week previously we had brought a camera with us for many and various reasons. "It's not mine! I didn't bring it with me!" she replied emphatically. Hearing this I decided I had better take a look myself, which I did and there sure enough on the floor in the row of seats behind us was a camera of a make I didn't recognize.
Subsequent conversations with the gentleman who was acting as the medium's chairperson revealed that the camera belonged to another medium who also worked at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain. Apparently, he had been using the rom a fortnight ago to take photographs in that very room and by the end of the day it had vanished. Although several searches had been made of the rooms the camera was no where to be seen.
Several days later the medium in question was enjoying a cup of tea in the mediums room when one of his colleague's told him that is mother was standing behind him holding the camera and went on to tell him that the spirit world had taken the camera to look at the photographs he had taken (however, when the photographs were developed there was nothing to suggest that the camera had travelled between the two worlds).
On our next visit to the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain there was a final revelation when we bumped into the very person who had chaired that evening. He went on to tell us that a couple of days after the incident he had a conversation with another woamn who was present in the room that evening. She told him she had been sitting in the row of seats on the opposite side of the aisle to us, somewhat further back and about at the time of my coughing fir she saw the camera pass from the top of her field of vision and clatter to the floor. She had been too astonished to talk about it at the time, but as far as she could tell although, she hadn't actually seen it, it was as if it the camera appeared out of thin air!!

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